Rose Amor summer bouquet with preserved flowers of the highest quality

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Preserved roses

the rose that lasts forever

We offer you a unique assortment of premium quality preserved roses from RoseAmor. These roses are cultivated in the Ecuadorian Andes. These areas offer the optimum conditions for cultivating premium quality roses. Thanks to a specific treatment of the roses they will last forever. Because of its long lasting beauty preserved roses are highly suitable for a wide range of arrangements that you can enjoy for years. RoseAmor offers an extensive collection of colours and sizes that will suit every wish of your costumers. They will feed your endless creativity for floral arrangements of every colour. From small and refined to big and bombastic roses. We offer you not only preserved roses but also other types of preserved flowers and greens. Like sunflowers, hydrangeas and moss. The possibilities are limitless with RoseAmor!

RoseAmor preserved roses garden rose bouquet. A bouquet that lasts forever. Responsibly and sustainable choice of flowers

Preserved roses

the rose that lasts forever

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